Year 3 and 4 Roman Vs Egyptian Invasion Day
The Romans and Egyptians have invaded!
For our Roman Vs Egyptian Invasion day, Year 3 and 4 hosted a wonderful event to showcase everything we have learnt about our Autumn term topics. Year 3 had a range of Roman activities such as making mosaics, writing slates, Roman blogs and Roman numerals. We also put on our very own Roman stick puppet show. Year 4 organised activities such as making Egyptian pyramids, Pharaoh's masks, bracelets and hieroglyphics bookmarks and even created a tomb filled with ancient Egyptian artefacts. We spent the morning preparing resources for the activities and worked together to ensure everyone had a clear understanding of their roles for the event. In the afternoon, we invited parents to join us in our shared area and we led them around each class so we could teach them about the Romans and Egyptians and show them how to take part in the activities. We all had such a fantastic time!
Please see some of the comments below from our peers and parents:
Pupil comments:
"This is the best day of my life so far!"
"I really enjoyed sharing my knowledge with my friends and family about my topic. I didn't realise how much I knew about the Egyptians!"
"I felt like I was an actual Roman for the day!"
Parent comments:
"Very good organisation, wonderful kids and best costumes ever!"
"It was really great to watch all the children enjoy themselves and to be a part of it. Learning made fun is an excellent idea."
"All the activities were really creative and fun. I would do it again at home and at school with kids and adults. Very informative, well-welcoming atmosphere and I'm looking forward to more events like this in the future!"
To view pictures from Invasion day, please visit our Gallery