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Curwen Primary School

Coronavirus Letter to Parents

Dear Parents, Carers and Children,

I hope you are all keeping well.  Our schools are continuing to send home learning either on-line or using learning packs and I would like to thank those of you that have engaged with these activities as well as using the other resources that we have shared on our platforms. As we have advised in the past, should  you wish to engage further with this please use the Oak Academy National Programme which delivers lessons for all different age ranges. As always, if you have any concerns regarding your child’s learning or need any information, please feel free to contact your school directly and they will endeavour to support you, as they have done throughout this period. At North Beckton, please continue to use the phase email addresses (and Google Classrooms for KS2) to discuss any issues with your child’s teacher.

I would also like to ask you to continue to engage with us constructively by completing our questionnaire so that we can continue to learn how  we can move forward together as a partnership in the best way for our children’s education, well-being and development:

I am sure that you will have seen lots of information in the media regarding reopening of schools in September.  Our schools and the trust are working on a range of plans and will be able to inform you further once we are clear what the advice and guidance is from the Government.  We are not expecting to receive that information until the end of this week so  will let you know more  as soon as we possibly can.

Best Wishes,

Paul Harris: CEO of The Tapscott Learning Trust



It has been great to see some of our Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children back with us over the past couple of weeks. If your child is in one of those year groups and you would still like them to return, please telephone the school office to leave a message, and a member of SLT will get back to you. New children are starting on Mondays each week.


School will be closed for ALL CHILDREN at 3.30pm on Thursday 16th July. We will then be re-opening to all children starting from Wednesday 9th September. Once we have had more guidance from the Government as regards this, we will let you know what day/time to start to bring your child back for the new academic year. We are looking to do a phased-return over that week so that everyone has time to understand our new procedures.

I would like to reassure parents that we are working hard to prepare for our ‘class bubbles’ in September where your child will have very limited interaction with children from other classes and will be taught by only a small number of adults. We will also be continuing with things like our one-way systems, extra cleaning, dedicated first aid set-up and staggered drop-off and pick-up times. This is to ensure that all children, staff and parents are able to stay as safe as possible.

Once we have the Government guidance as regards September, we will be able to make decisions about breakfast club and 6 o’clock club. That being said, I think it is important that parents think about contingency plans if we are unable to open these provisions in September due to the ‘bubble’/social-distancing expectations. As soon as we have confirmation regarding this, we will share it with you.

We will be posting end-of-term reports out during the final week of term. Along with the usual written comments from your class teacher, these will also include information related to your child’s new classroom, their new teacher and their start date/time. Please look out for these in the mail so you have all the information you need for September.

Please could I continue to ask all parents to update us as regards any changes in details; phone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses etc. It is essential that we have this up-to-date information if we are to continue to be able to communicate with you effectively.

As ever, please call the school if you have any questions or concerns and a member of school staff will get back to you.


Alison Helm

Head Teacher: North Beckton Primary

  1. Letter to North Beckton Parents 1. 7.20
    docx File
  2. COVID-19 Useful Contacts and Emergency Assistance for Families
    pdf File
  3. 13th March 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  4. 16th March 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  5. 16th March 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers - 5pm Update
    pdf File
  6. 17th March 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  7. 18th March 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  8. 18th March 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers - 6pm Update
    pdf File
  9. 24th March 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  10. 27th March 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  11. 1st April 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  12. 3rd April 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  13. 20th April 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  14. 24th April 2020 -Coronavirus - Letter for Parents/Carers
    docx File
  15. 28th April 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter for Parents/Carers
    docx File
  16. 5th May 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter for Parents/Carers
    docx File
  17. 11th May 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter for Parents/Carers
    docx File
  18. 14th May 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter for Parents/Carers
    docx File
  19. 29th May 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter for Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  20. 2nd June 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  21. 4th June 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  22. 9th June 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  23. 11th June 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  24. 16th June 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  25. 16th June 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  26. 18th June 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File
  27. 24th June 2020 - Coronavirus - Letter to Parents/Carers
    pdf File