Visit to the Royal Theatre Stratford East
"Best day of my life"
On Tuesday 20th February, North Beckton Primary celebrated the achievements of some of their children, who with the help of their parents and the school have overcome literacy difficulties through the Reading Recovery Intervention. As part of the Reading Recovery Read Aloud, six children and their mothers went to the Royal Theatre Stratford to read one of their favourite books: 'The Gingerbread Man' to some members of the theatre. They were also able to act this out on the stage! They all had a fantastic time.
Here are what some of the children said about their experience and their love for reading:
“I like reading because it gives me pictures in my head” – Dylan
“I like reading because it makes my brain more interesting” – Edmundas
“Thank you because it was the best day of my life!” – Lamesah
Reading Recovery is an internationally accredited, school-based, intensive and supplementary short-term literacy intervention for the lowest-achieving six-year olds.