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Curwen Primary School


Elisa Fontana is the Place2Be School Project Manager at North Beckton Primary School. Place2Be aims to promote children’s mental health and learning by offering a range of services to support individuals and their families.

  • Place2Talk: a lunchtime drop-in service for all children from Y1 to Y6.
  • Place2Be one-to-one counselling:

Children are referred for a number of reasons and with parental consent attend weekly play therapy sessions for up to a year.


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What difference does Place2Be make in your child’s school?
Place2Be is a national charity working in over 235 UK schools at a vital stage of their development. We offer them support to cope with emotional and behavioural difficulties which has a positive impact on the whole class, and helps teachers focus on teaching. We also offer support for school staff and parents.

How we help children
Place2Be works with children individually or in small groups, offering regular time-tabled support for those who will benefit most. The school will often refer children for this service.We always obtain written consent from parents or carers before working with children.

How we help families
We routinely meet with parents/carers to discuss any concerns they may have about their children. A number of Place2Be schools also have A Place for Parents, offering adults counselling support for any issues they may have.

How we help schools
Place2Be also supports teachers and school staff members to understand and manage behavioural or class-based issues or to offer guidance following a critical incident. These meetings may also be a space to reflect on issues impacting upon ones teaching practice and to provide advice about self-care. 

How Place2Be works
There is a special Place2Be room inside the school where children can go to express and think about their worries, through talking, creative work and play. Adults that are qualified to work therapeutically, called School Project Managers, support this process, helping children to find new ways of coping with difficulties so they don’t get in the way of friendships or learning.


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Times when we’re especially useful
There are times when children feel particularly sad, confused, fearful or angry, due to, for example,  family challenges such as separation or illness, or even the death of a much-loved pet. Some children may become withdrawn; others may become demanding or challenging in their behaviour: that’s when having Place2Be in school is especially helpful.

Who is eligible for Place2Be?
Any child requiring emotional support for any reason.

What is Place2Be's evaluation and why is it important? 

Place2Be collects information to evaluate our effectiveness and learn about how to give the best possible service to children and families. For Place2Be to work well, we need to find out how the support we provide helps children’s emotional wellbeing and their learning and academic progress.

For more information on this please visit:

Is your child’s information confidential?
Yes. Your child’s name will not be in our research data. Your child’s information will be stored securely.

Any questions?
If would like to find out more, please contact Elisa Fontana (Place2Be School Project Manager) on 020 7473 3344 who will be very happy to answer any questions. Alternatively, please visit: