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Curwen Primary School

Learning at Home

To further improve and extend the ongoing communication between parents and staff we have set up a number of email accounts.  These email accounts are for you to ask any questions you may have in regards to home learning.  They will be regularly monitored and teachers will make every effort to respond to your queries as quickly as possible.  Please be aware that while every effort will be made to ensure a prompt reply, depending on the number of emails we receive, this may take a couple of days.  As well as answering queries and supporting with home learning, this account will also be used as a way of sharing any good examples of home learning as well as additional work you feel we'd like to hear about.  For example, if you have taken any pictures or videos of home-bakes, artwork, dances, poems, musical performances we would love to see them and celebrate this learning by sharing it on our school website. (Mr Willet/Mrs Thomas/ Mrs Akwa) (Years 5 & 6) (Years 3 & 4) (Years 1 & 2) (Years N & R)

We look forward to hearing from you!









A phased return  for September 2020

Wednesday 9th September 2020
Year 6 and Year 2 Children start

Thursday 10th September 2020
Year 5 and Year 3 Children start

Friday 11th September 2020
Year 4 and Year 1 Children start

Monday 14th September 2020
EYFS children will start to return
we will telephone you in September regarding this