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Curwen Primary School


It is important that all children continue to wear full school uniforms and PE kits.  This allows the children to fully focus on their learning and not be concerned about what everyone is wearing. PLEASE can all jumpers and fleeces be labelled, so that they can be returned to you as soon as possible if they are left in the playground/dinner halls!

Uniform requirements - these can be brought with or without the school logo: 

  • Dark grey skirts, pinafore dress, dark grey trousers or shorts (no jeggings or jeans)
  • White shirt or white polo
  • Navy blue jumper or Cardigan (no hoodies, branded jumpers or sports T-shirts)
  • White, black or grey socks/tights
  • Black shoes or plain trainers (no open-toed sandals or Heelys)

Support with Uniform:

We also offer opportunities for families to get second-hand uniform through the school, or some new uniform if needed and entitled to Pupil Premium funding. Please speak to the school office or pastoral team if you need further support about this. 

1. You can also use the link below to purchase your uniform using school money and collect this from the office once your order is ready: 

2. If you wish to order uniform directly from Mapac please use the link below.  It is advised that you allow additional delivery time and order in advance.