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Curwen Primary School


School News

Page 7

  • Year 2 Maths Workshop

    Published 30/01/20
    Year 2 has a very good turn out for the Maths parents workshop! Parents were very happy and found it very useful.  
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  • Internet Legends

    Published 30/01/20
    Key Stage 2 pupils were all awarded an Internet legends title as they attended an E-safety workshop from Google!. These pupils​ are now better equipped on how to be safe online. #cybersafety
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  • A visit from SAM

    Published 30/01/20
    SAM the mascot paid pupils at North Beckton Primary School a wonderful visit to celebrate their improvement in attendance! Well done to all our pupils!  
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  • Our work towards PMLD

    Published 30/01/20
    North Beckton Primary School is working towards building a new PMLD provision. The heart of the school is set to be redeveloped and form part of a wider commitment to promoting inclusivity.  The school is working closely with the council to p
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  • Football League

    Published 30/01/20
    On Friday 22nd November 2019 and Friday 24th January 2020, 18 pupils from year 5 and 6 attended the TTLT football league at West Ham Trust Ground, Beckton.  The pupils were split into 2 teams (A and B teams) and entered into two separate leagues
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  • Dodgeball Competition

    Published 30/01/20
    On Friday 17th January 2020, 9 pupils from Year 4 attended the TTLT Dodge ball Competition at New Vic.  For many of the team it was their first experience of playing dodge ball. After a fantastic start, with the team winning their first 3 matche
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  • Digital Leaders

    Published 30/01/20
    The digital leaders went to visit Excel BETT show 2020 last Thursday. We saw innovative technology in action, these included: robots playing football, a shooting game using technology and we even got to play educational games using touchscreen hardwa
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  • Activity Calendar January 2020 - March 2020

    Published 20/12/19


    Rebecca Cheetham Nursery & Children's Centre will be hosting a number of fun filled activities from January 2020 to March 2020. Please see below for more details.

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  • Year 3 and 4 Roman Vs Egyptian Invasion Day

    Published 02/12/19
    The Romans and Egyptians have invaded! For our Roman Vs Egyptian Invasion day, Year 3 and 4 hosted a wonderful event to showcase everything we have learnt about our Autumn term topics. Year 3 had a range of Roman activities suc
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  • Samaritans Operation Christmas Child

    Published 19/11/19
    A massive thank you and well done to all who donated towards this wonderful cause! We have managed to gather enough toys and gifts to send of a total of 66 boxes!! Amazing!!!
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  • Year 5 Junior Citizenship Workshop

    Published 19/11/19
    On Friday 15th November 2019, the whole of Year 5 were lucky enough to attend a Junior Citizenship workshop sponsored by Tate and Lyle. On the day, we learnt from a variety of people who work in the services that keep us safe. We were given
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  • TTLT Maths Competition 2019

    Published 19/11/19
    Pupils had great fun participating in a TTLT Maths Competition held at North Beckton Primary School. Schools that competed in this competition were: North Beckton Primary School, Curwen Primary School, Kensington Primary School and Ranelagh Prim
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