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Curwen Primary School


Formal Consultation

Formal Consultation regarding joining The Tapscott Learning Trust (TTLT)

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is short reminder that there will be an open meeting this Wednesday (7th November) from 6 – 7.15pm in the school hall with the school Governors regarding North Beckton joining the TTLT.

This is an opportunity for all stakeholders to share their views and ask any questions. We are aware that there have already been a number of opportunities for people to meet with Governors and representatives of the TTLT to discuss this, however this is the formal meeting as part of this process. It is important therefore that even if you have previously given your opinions on this matter, you try to attend so that your views can be collated. Please also be reminded that there is also a short survey on the school website at the moment where you can add your views regarding this.


Mrs Lisa Spencer

Chair of Governors: on behalf of North Beckton Governing Body.