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Curwen Primary School


Statutory Assessment Data

North Beckton's achievements underscore our commitment to providing a high-quality education that equips our students with the skills and knowledge to thrive. We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 students and look forward to continuing this journey of excellence. More detailed information on our results can be found here.

Data 2023 - 24


North Beckton 23/24
Good Level of Development - EYFS 77%

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Phonics – Y1 77%
Phonics – Y2 (combines Y1+Y2) 86%


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YR 4 Multiplication Check - Mean Average Score 21.7

North Beckton 23/24

KS2 SATs: Reading

High Score 32%
Expected 78%
Scaled Score 106

KS2 SATs: Writing

Greater depth 25%
Expected 79%

KS2 SATs: Maths

High Score 26%
Expected 85%
Scaled Score 105


High Score 33%
Expected 76%
Scaled Score 105
KS2 SATs: Science Expected 86%
KS2 SATs: Expected Combined 69%
KS2 SATs: High Score Combined 9%

These achievements reflect our unwavering commitment to providing a high-quality education that enables every student to thrive. We are immensely proud of the progress and accomplishments of our children.

More information can be found at: