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Curwen Primary School


Statutory Assessment Data

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department for Education cancelled the 2019/20 and 2020/21 national curriculum assessments and associated data collections. As primary national curriculum assessments returned in 2021/22 for the first time since 2018/19, without any adaptations, the results will not be published in Key Stage 2 performance tables in academic year 2021/22.

Data - 2021 -22  


North Beckton 21/22

National 21/22

KS2 SATs: Reading

High score 32% 28%
Expected 73% 74%
Scaled score 106 105
Progress 0.4 0

KS2 SATs: Writing

Greater depth 27% 13%
Expected 77% 69%
Progress 1.5 0

KS2 SATs: Maths

High score 26% 22%
Expected 73% 71%
Scaled score 104 104
Progress -0.9 0


High score 49% 28%
Expected 73% 72%
Scaled score 108 105
KS2 SATs: Sci Expected 78% 79%
KS2 SATs: EXS combined 64% 59%
KS2 SATs: High score combined 12% 7%

  North Beckton 21/22

National 21/22

KS1 SATs: Reading

Greater depth 18% 18%
Expected 72% 67%

KS1 SATs: Writing

Greater depth 14% 8%
Expected 68% 58%

KS1 SATs: Maths

Greater depth 18% 15%
Expected 68% 68%
KS1 SATs: Sci Expected 72% 63%
KS1 SATs: EXS combined 63% 54% TBC
KS1 SATs: GDS combined 14% 6%
Phonics – Y1 70% 75%
Phonics – Y2 (combines Y1+Y2) 76% 87%



  North Beckton 21/22

National 21/22

GLD EYFS 73% 65% TBC


Overall these are extremely pleasing results and demonstrate the hard work the school has been doing to raise the standards in teaching and learning. Every single result is an improvement on last year and every single result is above last year’s Newham and National averages. They are also the best results in the school’s recent history, and they give us much to celebrate. However, a good school is one that is constantly reflective and always wants to improve, and these results also give us areas to develop, improve and move forward. The school has already analysed these in depth and plans are in place to learn from them and to progress the curriculum as we work towards preparing for 2019/20. If any of you would like to comment on these results or on the academic standards within the school then please do feel free to contact Ms Kettory using the email with the heading ‘KS2 Results’ in the subject box. Thank you for your continued support. 

More information can be found at: