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Curwen Primary School


What We Are Learning


Autumn 1 

In the nursery, we baked some delicious biscuits! We worked as a team and mixed all the ingredients. Our biscuits came out in different shapes and sizes, but they all tasted yummy!

Autumn 2 

In Forest School, we had a Teddy Bear picnic to raise awareness of Children in Need Day. We wore spotty and yellow clothes and enjoyed drinking a warm cup of hot chocolate and biscuits.
During science week we explored the weather in Forest School and discussed what clothes we need to wear in Autumn. 

Spring 1 

This term nursery went to forest school every Friday.  During each visit, the children spend their time exploring and investigating the Forest School area. Children took part in forest school activities, as well as letting their imagination take control and play freely.  They got to experience collecting sticks for cooking and toasting marshmallows over the campfire, splashing in puddles, playing in the mud kitchen, painting, climbing the trees, exploring and learning about the natural world around them plus much more. 

Spring 2 

In nursery, the children read the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. During our Forest Schools session, the children were excited about creating their very own beanstalks.  


Summer 1  

We celebrated the end of our mini-beast topic with an Ugly Bug Ball. We all dressed like our favourite insects and had a party. There was music and dancing, drawing pictures and a camp fire with marshmallows and waffles. 



RECEPTION Welcome Meeting Presentation 2023 

Autumn 1

As part of our science learning, we explored our senses and observed the changes in the seasons. In Maths we have learnt about numbers 1-10 and have started to practice addition and subtraction skills.


Autumn 2 

During this term, we have been learning about ourselves, our families, our school and how we celebrate different events, including Diwali and Christmas. 


Spring 1 

In Spring 1 we learnt about 'People Who Help Us', this included Doctors, Vets, Firefighters and Postal Workers.  We read lots of books about people who help us, such as 'Maisy Goes to Hospital' and 'What the Ladybird Heard'. In Geography, we used maps to learn about our local area, and we drew maps of our school. In Forest School and Science, we looked at the changing season. In Maths, we practised addition and subtraction.

Spring 2 

During Spring 2, Reception learnt about rhyming words in Literacy by reading 'A Great Big Cuddle' by Michael Rosen. We practised doubling and halving in Maths. During Art week, we used our 3D shape knowledge to make sculptures of spiders, linked to the artist we were learning about Louise Bourgeois. We made Welsh Cakes to celebrate St. David's Day. We had singing lessons with Mr Murdoch.  We drew fruit from the story 'Handa's Surprise' using different technology during Computing Week. Our Easter Bonnet Parade was really exciting, and the children put in a lot of effort to make amazing Easter hats.

Summer 1  

We celebrated the end of our mini beast topic with an Ugly Bug Ball. We all dressed like our favourite insects and had a party. There was music and dancing, drawing pictures and a camp fire with marshmallows and waffles. 

Summer 2 

The Reception children took a trip on the DLR to have a picnic by the Tower of London.  The children and parents had a very enjoyable time. 

Year 1 

YEAR 1 Welcome Meeting Presentation 2023

Autumn 1  

In our Art lesson this term we have been learning about the artist Jackson Pollock. We explored his artwork and talked about how it made us feel and what art techniques we thought he used. Inspired by his work, we made our own art pieces as well as made a whole year group piece using his techniques of pouring, splashing and flicking paint.

Autumn 2 

This half-term, year 1, we visited The Young V&A museum in Bethnal Green as part of our History topic, exploring old and new toys. We had great fun exploring different kinds of toys and looking at all the old and new ones.


Spring 1  


Spring 2 

In Geography this term, Year 1 have been learning about life in the city compared to life in the countryside. We made links with St Cleggs Primary School in Cornwall. We shared videos we made of our school and local area and watched videos they made about life in their school. To end the week, we met our fellow year 1s from St Cleggs on zoom and asked questions about life in their village and answered their questions about our life in London.     

Year 2  

YEAR 2 Welcome Meeting Presentation 2023 

Autumn 1 

Our topic lessons this term have been full of wonder and excitement! We have been learning about the history of the kings and queens of Britain.  The children explored Tudor and Victoria lifestyles as well as comparing how we live now and how people in Britain lived in the past.  We developed our understanding of the British Monarchy by learning about the old and current monarchs of Britain.  We used inspiration from the artist Frida Kahlo to paint portraits of Queen Elizabeth 1 using a range of techniques such as colour mixing and mark making.  

Autumn 2 

As part of our history curriculum, we looked at why we remember Bonfire Night and the plot to destroy Parliament.  The children looked at who the plotters were and why their plan failed.  They went on to study The Great Fire of London and the effect it had on the city at the time .  We were lucky enough to have the chance to visit the Tower of London.  The children were fascinated to look at the Crown Jewels, view the suits of armour in The White Tower and enjoyed talking to the Beefeater. 


Spring 1




Year 3 

YEAR 3 Welcome Meeting Presentation 2023 

Autumn 1  

On Wednesday 13th September 2023, Year 3 children visited one of the most historic sites in England, the Tower of London, where they participated in an interactive workshop recounting the Tower’s dark history. We also had a unique opportunity to see the Crown Jewels. 

Autumn 2 

In Autumn 2 term we learnt not only what goods the Vikings traded, but also that they had a vast trading network extending across Europe and beyond. Trade is an important concept, but the word meant little to us, so we brought it to life through a trading simulation.

First, our year group was divided into eight groups. Each group was a trade centre: Birka, Bulgar, Constantinople, Dublin, Hedeby, Iceland, Jorvik, or Mainz. We all became 10th century merchants in these eight centres.

Next, we received the cards telling what goods we traded and who we were; we also had the ‘Where to buy goods’ sheet, so we would know where to sail for the items we needed. 


Spring 1  

In Spring 1 term, Year 3 greatly enjoyed exploring three types of rocks. We became rock detectives (Petrologists) and explored different samples of rock. We observed different properties of rocks closely and used the properties to help us classify the six examples of the different rock types.

We also had an opportunity to share and extend our learning together with our parents and carers. We shared our knowledge and skills, engaging parents and carers in practical activities. A lot of fun had by all!

This half term we also learned about rivers in the world and our local rivers: The Thames, Lee and Roding. We started our learning by creating a river! We spoke about the source and where it flows to. We practically explored the concept and importance of the channel, river bed, river bank and estuary. 


Spring 2 

On Thursday 29th February 2024, Year 3 children went on an educational visit to the Museum of London Docklands, as part of their Geography learning this half-term. This was an amazing opportunity to deepen our learning outside of class.

Summer 1 

In our Forest School area, we looked at the different plants and flowers. We identified the pollen in different flowers and made observational drawings in our Science book using colouring pencils. We also discussed how we could classify the flowering plants.

During the class DT lesson, the children prepared a simple recipe: spicy beans on toast.  The children worked in small groups to develop their cutting, slicing, spreading and mixing skills. Each group rotated and participated in four different activities during the afternoon. Finally, the class enjoyed tasting their dish and had a great time working collaboratively.


This half-term Year 3 had their Geography Fieldwork in the local area of Beckton. The children set off to investigate ‘What is the quality of the environment we live in?’  This topic is closely linked to Year 3's Geography and English lessons. How children and the community can make a difference to the environment that they all live in. 


Summer 2 


Year 4 

YEAR 4 Welcome Meeting Presentation 2023 

Autumn 1  

On the 18th September, Year 4 had a virtual visit to the London Mithraeum. During their session, pupils were able to explore three Roman sites in London: London Mithraeum Bloombery; London’s Roman Amphitheatre and Billingsgate Roman House and Baths. Not only this, but the children were able to explore replica artefacts that would be found in each of these places. They were even given scent boxes! Year 4 pupils were guided to use their background knowledge, as well as the sources, to build a picture of what life would have been like in Roman London. 

Autumn 2 

On the 1st November, Year 4 pupils visited the British Museum as part of their Ancient Greeks topic. The children had the opportunity to explore the artwork painted onto Grecian vases and what it can tell us. They also learnt about the Minoans and Mycenaeans, particularly what their cultures were like. They did lots of sketches and source interpretation, applying lots of historical enquiry skills.

Spring 1 



Year 5 

Year 6  

Simmonds Class